Corinne Zola Communications & Consulting specializes in creative, purposeful, and results driven communications campaigns especially for small businesses, sole proprietors, entrepreneurs and non profits
Corinne Zola Communications & Consulting specializes in creative, purposeful, and results driven communications campaigns especially for small businesses, sole proprietors, entrepreneurs and non profits
It can be difficult to see the forest through the trees when it comes to managing your own communications while also managing your business. Outside counsel brings perspective and experience to the necessary work of raising awareness and building a client base.
Non profits, both large and small, face a range of ongoing challenges from fundraising, to building awareness, to retaining support and membership. Those challenges have only been magnified due to the coronavirus crisis. It is critical for non profits to identify their priorities, their unique obstacles and attributes, and develop a plan to approach their challenges proactively and effectively.
I have significant experience working in the non profit field as an employee, a volunteer, and a boardmember. I understand how these organizations work, and how to navigate change and create positive momentum.
Whether you are launching a new business, a product, or a solo practice, you need to be able to tell people what you are about in clear, creative, and consistent language and visuals. You need to transport them with your vision. Prospective clients will be drawn to you and will trust you if your communication tools - from your website to your social media to your print and online marketing materials - are authentic and consistent.
Second Act, second life, you understand...I am referring to a reinvention whether by choice or need. A pivot to a new profession is daunting and the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone is real - but so is the excitement and anticipation. In order to harness all the elements that went into building your new venture and set yourself up for success, it is valuable to work with a communications consultant. As your consultant I bring an objective eye to the issues at hand and will begin by developing a strategic plan that addresses all your communication obstacles and goals. That strategic planning process will inform how we shape a final messaging and visual identity program that captures attention by bringing your vision to life.
Small businesses face ongoing challenges in the form of competition from larger or online companies; lack of foot traffic if this is a storefront business; inefficient web presence; stagnant marketing and brand awareness; and balancing growth with quality and consistency. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on small business has been enormous and only magnified issues relating to revenue and community support. Working with a communications consultant will bolster your business needs and help you pivot to meet these new challenges.
Develop your visual identity and use it to your advantage
Build or re-imagine your website
Develop a social media strategy
Attract press coverage
Sharpen your public speaking skills
Build a presence on platforms such as Instagram Live and Facebook Live
Stick to the Plan But Show Range and Creativity
Your communications program should demonstrate that you can meet challenges, you are creative enough to offer multiple options, and you make choices that are intentional and well considered. Everything in your promotional toolkit - your images, messaging, social media posts, press releases - should make people feel as excited about your services as you do.